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Wednesday, 2 November 2011

So Unhappy :(

Hello everyone,
I was going to start this post by saying that it is going to be something slightly different, but lets be honest i always do these sloppy emotional posts, where i can let out my feelings.This is directed at the people at school in my lessons.
 I may seem like a quiet shy girl, but inside there is a loud, outgoing, confident person that i once was before starting the place i now call my school, i was able to speak in lessons and be myself, but now i feel like a prisoner and i cant seem to stop feel sick and worried every time i have a lesson, this is because no one will ever talk to me a simple hello how are you today? would be nice. I was never expecting to be miss.popular but to be included and to feel included and welcomed into the school by people that feel at home after being there for 5 years. There seems to be now awareness and no empathy, people literally couldn't care less and this is something i cant rap my head around how is this possible that those students cant seem to realise that people are upset all the time, at least 3 people told me they went home and cry every night so chose to leave the school due to other people not making them feel welcome. I think this is disgusting why cant people put them selves in other peoples shoes, because i can bet that not all of those students would be able to cope with being thrown in to a new environment where everybody has known each other and thinks that they are some kind of super genius, and wont make any effort to speak to you. I don't want anyone to think i am this weired depressed freak because the answer is i am not, i am unhappy at this moment in my life. Well thanks to my beautiful followers hope you are all well :)

Love You All Ellie :) xxx

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