You Are Beautiful :)

You Are Beautiful In Every Single Way :)
Reviews, Hauls, Random. :D

Monday, 29 August 2011

Brighton :)

Hey friendly followers,
so life has been pretty busy i went away to Devon for a week ( i will blog later), GCSE results, Job interview, lots of shopping and a weekend away with a friend in Brighton. OK so on Friday me, my mum, my friends, her mum and sister bobbed onto the motorway for 3 hours and headed to Brighton, we had a lovely time and spent far too much, i also on the Saturday night checked my emails and found that i had got the job that 150 people had applied for (yey me). Well anyway i am not going to do much rambling but will share a pictures argh before i forget gourmet burger kitchen is my new favourite restaurant.
Our hotel

Brighton Pier
Me and April

Cant actually remember what this is :L

Love you All Ellie :) x

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Update, Apoliges and whats in my purse (bag)

Bonjour ;)
Long time no speak i have been pretty MIA. If you didn't know i stayed at a friends house last week and this week my auntie who lives in Africa (i realise Africa is a continent but she lives in many country's in Africa), came to stay with us. Anyway basically i have been pretty busy, I'm also going away with 3 of my friends on Monday i will be back on Sunday although i am hoping that i will be able to get away on Friday night as i have a job interview on Saturday which has caused me so much stress as i cant re arrange it as that women that is in charge of it isn't make from her holiday till Monday which is when i go away (just my luck ). Anyway enough rambling .Today's post will be a what in my purse video.
, then when i return from my holiday i will be giving you guys an update, haul and back to school posts :) .

I have a Kathy van Zealand bag :)
So much crap i wont list it all just ask questions if you are wondering about anything |:)

OK Love You All Ellie :) x